Eindhoven Airport pays 750,000 euros in
claims for missed flights due to long
queues | 2023-04-24 (1/7) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
People who missed their flight at
Eindhoven Airport last year due to long
queues at the security checkpoint will
now be compensated. The 1700 people who
applied for compensation will receive
around 750,000 euros from the airport,
Omroep Brabant reported. Last year,
Eindhoven Airport experienced a very
high volume of travelers during the
vacation months. This resulted in queues
so long that at times queues formed far
outside the airport terminal. However,
this had negative consequences for some
vacationers who missed their flights as
a result.
Més info a nltimes.nl
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Long queues to continue at Eindhoven
Airport for more than three months | 2022-07-18 (2/7) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Passengers traveling out of Eindhoven
Airport will continue to face crowds at
the airport for months to come, said
Roel Hellemons, the airport director, in
an interview with FD. Long lines have
often extended several hundred meters
beyond the entrance of the airport
terminal in recent days, occassionally
reaching the P4 long-term parking garage
about a half-kilometer away.
Més info a
nltimes.nl | |
Eindhoven 3rd worst in Europe for
delays, Schiphol in 8th; Rotterdam
issues worsening | 2022-07-15 (3/7) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Airports throughout Europe are
struggling with long lines, flight
delays, and cancellations caused by a
combination of post-coronavirus travel
fever and staff shortages. This month,
Eindhoven Airport rated the third worst
of the major European airports when it
came to on-time performance. Schiphol
was eighth-worst, according to Hopper.
Més info a nltimes.nl
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Nine Eindhoven men arrested on suspicion
of planning a terrorist attack -
DutchNews.nl | 2021-09-25 (4/7) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Dutch police have arrested nine men in
Eindhoven who they say were preparing to
take part in a terrorist attack. The
investigation began in the summer
following a tip-off from national
security agency AIVD. The men are aged
18 to 31 and all have Dutch nationality.
All but one were born in the
Netherlands. The ninth man was born in
Afghanistan, the public prosecution
department said. The department says the
men were ?sympathetic? to the jihadist
thoughts of ISIS. Several...
Més info a
www.dutchnews.nl | |
Ryanair anuncia tres noves rutes des de
Barcelona a Eindhoven, Maastricht i
Odessa | 2021-03-16 (5/7) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Les connexions operaran amb dos vols
setmanals a partir del 2 i 3 de juliol
Ryanair ha anunciat aquesta setmana
l'obertura de tres noves rutes que
aniran des de Barcelona a Eindhoven,
Maastricht (Països Baixos) i Odessa
(Ucraïna). Les connexions operaran amb
dos vols setmanals
Més info a exterior.cat
| |
Els calçots aterren a Holanda de la mà
d?un ?cervell fugat? | 2021-02-21 (6/7) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
El mataroní Julià Delos engega a
Eindhoven un negoci que ven ?packs? per
fer calçotades
info a emprenem.ara.cat | |
Els Països Baixos viuen una tercera nit
de violència per les protestes contra el
confinament | 2021-01-26 (7/7) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Els Països Baixos han viscut una tercera
nit de seguida de grans protestes
violentes contra el confinament i contra
les polítiques del govern. A Haarlem i
Rotterdam la policia ha fet servir gasos
lacrimògens mentre que el govern parla
de més d?un centenar de detencions. Els
incidents van començar dissabte quan va
entrar en vigor ? Continue reading Els
Països Baixos viuen una tercera nit de
violència per les protestes contra el
confinament ?
Més info a
www.vilaweb.cat | |